Unresolved Mysteries of Biology

Curious to look at Holy Basil Pollens Under Foldscope?

Holi basil aka Tulsi is an integral part of my household and I am sure yours as well. So I thought why not check the tiny pollens of holy basil’s plant to look under a DIY paper microscope also called as foldscope.

You can also try this at home with any plant. It is pretty simple and inexpensive.

  1. Select a flower and locate the pollens in it.
  2. Take a paint brush and gently brush the pollens on the slides (paper/glass).
  3. Fix the sample either with a cover slip or with the sticker (DIY kit of the foldscope).
  4. Go to a well lit area in your home and see the sample against a bright light.
  5. Attach your phone’s camera to take the pictures.

Now comes the final images of pollens (tiny yellow grain like particles).

Do let me know in the comments section below.